Welcome to Anavets Assiniboia Unit #283 Winnipeg
Canadas oldest Veterans Organization
Established in 1840

 LADIES SNOOKER                                           Linda O'Brien

Hello Everyone Ladies Snooker got off to a great start to this year, thanks to Mark Buchan, of the Unit 283 Men’s Snooker League and the Manitoba Veterans English Billiards League, we were able to begin on September 08 with a successful Snooker Clinic on how to control the cue ball. Mark very graciously gave his time to be our instructor and going forward offered to help us out any time we need him. Thank you so much Mark for all you do, you have no idea how much we appreciate you.!!
We have ten teams, many of our players have returned this year, with one new player, welcome Candace Stevenson, we hope you will enjoy the game and camaraderie as much as we do and welcome back to Donna Hartie!.
We hope all the sports leagues will be successful and everyone has a good time for the 2022/2023 sports season. SEE YOU AT THE CLUB!!
Respectfully submitted: Linda O’Brien Chair; Ladies Snooke