Welcome to Anavets Assiniboia Unit #283 Winnipeg
Canadas oldest Veterans Organization
Established in 1840

SENIOR MEN'S SNOOKER                            DUNC MASON

On April 12th the Senior snooker league completed an extended play-off schedule due to covid complications.
The singles were put into A & B divisions. The A side winner was Mark Buchan with runner up Grant Thiessen and in B division winner Gerry Lindal and my favorite accountant Allan Jones runner up.
 The doubles were divided into A, B & C divisions. A side winners were David Twist & Doug Bird with runners up Cliff Murphy & Shayne Udell. B side winners were Rob Vosters & Hugh Kesler (part of the Charleswood invasion) with runners up Orest Kryschuk & yours truly. C side winners were Jerry Oleschuk & Brian Towse with runners up Don Seal & Karl Beyer. Congratulations everyone.
We have one more event on our calendar on May 2nd . Fern Scanlon has revived our annual challenge tournament VS Legion number IV on May 2nd here at 283. Due to covid we haven’t played for three years. It is an all day event using all 4 tables in the games room. Come out and support our players whom I’m sure will retain the trophy.
We will let everyone know when we resume in August or September. We postponed our wind-up luncheon due to covid so we are planning a start-up one for the new season. After all we have to give out the trophies (among other things). Thanks again for everyone’s participation and to Rick Thain for his hard work on the schedules.
 Have a great winter! Oops I mean SUMMER….hopefully!




Senior Snooker Singles
Roster : 2015 - 2016
Ron Buchanan kevron@mts.net
David King davidking2@mymts.net
Bill Kellas bkellas@shaw.ca
Gord Richards bygar@mts.net
Mike Belanger mikebel@mymts.net
Allan Jones aljones1@mts.net
Lloyd Thibert
Terry Greenwood wpgmagic@gmail.com
Clare Sweeting
Robert Wolinski
Rae Roberts wesra70@mymts.net
Perry Whitesell welder372@yahoo.ca


Winner circle your name
Date Table 10:00am Noon
07-Dec 1 Alan J. vs Lloyd T. Bill K. vs Robert W.
2 Clare S. vs Gord R. Perry W. vs Ron B.
3 David K. vs Rae R. Terry G. vs Mike B.